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Results based on: Technology

Hong Kong’s overall ranking falls in the last ten years, but it remains in the top 10 most liveable Asian cities

17 January 2024

The number of countries with high inflation continues to fall, but those remaining seem stuck with rapid price rises for the foreseeable future.

Cost of Living indices are an invaluable tool for global mobility teams. However, when indices are updated to reflect changes in living costs between two locations, assignees may have questions about the updates.

09 January 2024 - 09 January 2024 Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok
09:00 - 11:30

ECA organises this annual event to bring together international HR managers for an update on mobility trends and an opportunity to network.

Argentina follows Nigeria's unwise lead, with a devaluation likely to inflict pain for little gain.

What have you and your fellow mobility professionals been most interested in this year? We take a look back at a few of our most popular blog posts of 2023.

ECA provides an update on latest trends in pay awards for locally-employed staff in the Greater China region in 2023 and project trends for 2024. This webinar was delivered in Mandarin. 

19 December 2023 - 19 December 2023 The Park Lane Hong Kong
09:00 - 11:30

ECA organises this annual event to bring together international HR managers for an update on mobility trends and an opportunity to network.

Argentina's new government has wasted no time in reforming the currency.

12 December 2023 - 12 December 2023 Grand Hyatt Taipei
09:00 - 11:30

ECA organises this annual event to bring together international HR managers for an update on mobility trends and an opportunity to network.