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Results based on: Surveys

Accurately comparing expatriate salaries across diverse roles and industries is complex. Fortunately, a robust and consistent job evaluation system, like ECA's points system, can help simplify the task. It provides organisations with a way to benchmark their diverse groups of...

Singapore rose six places to 16th position in global rankings of locations with the highest expatriate packages

Hong Kong rose three places to fifth position in rankings.

In times of widespread inflation and rising benefit costs, benchmarking your expatriate packages becomes crucial to ensure your company offers competitive compensation while managing expenses. Discover how ECA’s MyExpatriate Market Pay report can assist you in this.

Average annual cost of sending an expat to the UK is now £351 992, up by 11% on last year.

ECA’s role as Foundation Partner is fundamental in the development of Talent Mobility in Asia and the formation of ATMA's supportive programmes and services for the industry across the region.

What have you and your fellow mobility professionals been reading about this year? We take a look back at our most popular blog posts of 2022.

Our Expatriate Salary Management Survey captures the latest trends in the application of pay and policy for long-term assignments, helping mobility teams benchmark practices and ensure their policies remain fit for purpose. Take a look at our infographic sharing some of the key highlights from...

The two biggest problems clients report when benchmarking are comparing total compensation and benefits packages, and the ability to benchmark against others in the same industry. ECA’s MyEMP reports enable you to do both and more.

While the need for GM teams to adopt flexibility into practices is more important than ever, it's crucial to adopt a pragmatic approach to employee requests on remote work and virtual assignments.