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Results based on: Expatriate%20Salary%20Management%20Survey

Hong Kong rose three places to fifth position in rankings.

In times of widespread inflation and rising benefit costs, benchmarking your expatriate packages becomes crucial to ensure your company offers competitive compensation while managing expenses. Discover how ECA’s MyExpatriate Market Pay report can assist you in this.

ECA provides an update on challenges regarding global mobility in a post-pandemic world and shows how our latest MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey results can be of help.

Average annual cost of sending an expat to the UK is now £351 992, up by 11% on last year.

A key component of many companies' global mobility frameworks, short-term assignments are evolving to become an essential means of moving talent internationally. However, they have many tricky nuances and can present major challenges for both the company and employee. Our new course is now here...

Jeff Chu and Mandy Tsai provide an update on the latest trends in expatriate salary and benefits packages, across Greater China.

Aaron Pravasta explores the latest mobility trends and information on expatriates salaries for Indonesia headquartered company that send staff overseas and those employing expatriate staff in Indonesia.

How do you pay your international assignees? We discuss what it is to pay gross and whether it is a suitable alternative to paying net.

Global food prices are driving high inflation, and lower oil and gas prices have not been enough to reduce it significantly. Explore our interactive map to understand how these factors impact the indices in countries where you have assignees.

Following a four-year reign, Hong Kong (2nd) loses the top spot to New York