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Results based on: Expatriate salaries

Global mobility professionals are increasingly looking at different ways to compensate their expatriate populations. One method that often attracts a lot of attention is the local-plus approach.

In this webinar, ECA experts Oliver Browne and Georgia Wilson will provide practical advice on using ECA's MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey to benchmark your assignees' pay and benefits.

In this webinar, ECA experts Steven Kilfedder and Laura Whitehouse will provide practical advice on dealing with currency volatility.

18 March 2019

Redesigning and delivering an expatriate Remuneration and Benefits survey.

With more companies than ever before aware of the need to make their workforce more diverse, we look at the different ways that organisations can encourage greater diversity.

Repatriation is a critical but often-ignored phase in the long-term international assignment lifecycle that is often considered an administrative formality to get the assignee and their family back to base. But is limiting engagement to just the physical relocation a missed opportunity?

As we launch ECA's MyExpatriate Market Pay survey for another year we take a look at some of the results from last year's survey which reflect the changes we are seeing in the market.

For several reasons, changing compensation packages as a direct response to currency movements is nearly always a bad idea.

Cost is often the main concern when considering a commuter assignment but the financial implication is far from the only factor that matters when deciding if a commuting arrangement is the best fit.

Wrapping up our three-part series, this article looks at how to structure employment arrangements and ensure the right policies and processes are in place to effectively manage short-term assignments.