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With high inflation seen in countries around the world, ECA's Salary Trends Survey shows how pay awards for local staff have been affected.

Rental prices are increasing in different markets around the world. Based on our latest Accommodation Survey, we've looked at recent trends, focusing on locations with some of the biggest increases and the factors at play.

25 November 2022

Double-digit inflation club finally begins to shrink, but newcomers are nearly all from Western Europe.

The lesser discussed assignment expense, coming to the forefront of assignee conversation.

Our World Cup 2022 couch potato index reveals how much it will cost you and a friend to support your team from home.

With the cost-of-living crisis affecting all parts of life, the cost of childcare is no different and ECA's latest Childcare survey showed that average nursery costs are now 5% more expensive globally than in 2021.

Michael Birse and Georgia Wilson explore key findings from our recent Expatriate Salary Management Survey and how our reports can help ensure your long-term assignment policies remain fit for purpose.

African currencies pummelled in a bad month for emerging markets.

Oliver Browne and Talia Koch explore key findings from our recent Salary Trends Survey. Find out how salary increase rates have fared in major economies around the world and what's in store for the new year.

Lee Quane, Mark Harrison and Anna Michielsen explore key findings from our recent Salary Trends Survey. Hear of the latest trends in pay awards for locally-employed staff in the Asia-Pacific region and our predictions for the new year.