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A huge, warm welcome to two new colleagues in our London-based Consultancy and Advisory team - meet Francine and James!

International remote working policies are a great way to attract and retain talent. However, determining salaries for these arrangements is complex and difficult to get right.

In our last round-up two months ago, there were tentative signs that global inflation might have peaked. Then came Russia's attack on Ukraine.

We share the top tips on how to implement a new assignment management system as smoothly as possible.

Sri Lanka's currency devaluation should help secure IMF support but will also push up inflation.

As Russia wrecks its own economic prospects, it is dragging allies and 'brotherly' nations down with it.

Singapore has been named again as the most liveable location for expatriate workers from East Asia.

The ongoing closure of many locations in the Asia-Pacific region, including Hong Kong, has caused many locations to slide down ECA’s latest liveability rankings.

Lockdown reversals sees 71% of European cities go up in the annual global liveability ranking

The last 12 months have seen disruption continue for international schools around the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but what does the future hold?