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Results based on: Cost of living

The ringgit's weakness against the US dollar has offset the impact of inflation in Kuala Lumpur, causing it to drop in the global rankings.

Singapore rose four places from last year to become the 8th most expensive location in the world for expatriates, driven primarily by surging accommodation costs.

Hong Kong is the second most expensive location in the world for expatriates

25 November 2022

Double-digit inflation club finally begins to shrink, but newcomers are nearly all from Western Europe.

The lesser discussed assignment expense, coming to the forefront of assignee conversation.

Our World Cup 2022 couch potato index reveals how much it will cost you and a friend to support your team from home.

Cost estimates enable better-informed decisions and cost-efficiency in your global mobility programme, providing indispensable insight for different stakeholders across the business. Here we take a look at how cost estimates are used and what components are included in the calculation.

Offering an in-house solution for instant access to cost estimates, our new Cost Estimate Calculator provides you with an accurate picture of the overall cost of your international moves - simply and quickly

Join our on-screen demo and see for yourself how our Cost Estimate Calculator can save you time and money, and enable you to run as many cost estimates as you need, quickly and accurately. This demo will be delivered in French.

Follow our on-screen demo to see for yourself how our Cost Estimate Calculator can save you time and money, and enable you to run as many cost estimates as you need, quickly and accurately.